
Google’s Rich Results testing tool now supports code editing

You can now edit the code in the rich results test and see what those edits do in real time.

Google has updated its Rich Results Test tool to let webmasters edit the code and see how those edits impact their results results. Google announced this as part of the Chrome Developer Summit this morning.

What are rich results? Rich results are search results that go beyond the standard blue link, they may include a carousels, images, stars, ratings, images or other non-textual user interface elements.

How it works. Here is a sample page you can try it on. When the page loads, you can click into the code area on the left side, make edits and then click on the “run test” button again. It will then show you how those code edits impact your rich results.

What it looks like. Here is a video of it in action from Google’s post on Twitter:

Why it matters. This should give webmasters and SEOs more tools and confidence to make changes to their code and see how those changes may or may not impact their rich snippets.

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