
Google Mobile First Index Expanding Within Next Several Weeks

Yesterday (as I covered at SEL), Gary Illyes from Google said at PubCon that Google will be rolling in more web sites into the mobile first index starting over the next several weeks. Google first began moving some sites into the mobile first index last October but said it was a very limited number of sites that were in that batch. Google promised, if your site is not ready it won’t be moved yet. Well, now the next batch is coming and eventually your site might be next. So make sure to read the Google tipsand my post on what you need to know as…

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Twitter attributes more than half of its $575M Q1 ad revenue to video

Up 21% year over year, Twitter’s $575 million in advertising earnings is split evenly between its US and international markets. According to Twitter’s Q1 2018 earnings report, video ads accounted for more than half of the $575 million advertising revenue it earned during the first quarter of this year. Twitter’s total revenue for the quarter was $665 million, a 21 percent increase year over year, and was split nearly evenly between its US market ($347 million) and international markets ($318 million). The $318 million revenue earned from international markets reflected 53…

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