
Google Search Algorithm Update Currently Mild

Since the roll out of the Google Speed Update – the SEO community has been on high alert to see what type of impact it has on the overall mobile search results. The deal is, I’ve been tracking it for the past couple of days since it began rolling out and the chatter is mixed. I’d classify the chatter as mild and the tools themselves show a mix.

Here is some of the chatter from the ongoing WebmasterWorld thread:

Anyone seeing any ranking changes now that this speed update has rolled out?

I don’t see any changes, and the SERP tools really are not reporting much either. Since the speed update only impacts very slow sites, I don’t expect we will hear much about this update’s impact.

We’ve seen alot of movement in our sector. I think this will particular hit e-commerce verticals a lot more, given that some of them can be heavy with functionality, causing them to slow down. As ever, some do it a lot better than others, which is causing some shake up.

Android Police, one of the largest tech site is also experiencing a massive traffic drop. Nobody’s safe sad

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