
Bing Admits They Need To Do Better With Webmaster Communication

In a blog post today on the Bing Webmaster Blog, Bing’s Igor Rondel, Principal Development Manager of the Index Quality team, said you can expect Bing to do more proactive communication on the Bing Webmaster Blog in the future. Igor said Bing needs “to do a better job of proactively communicating updates” and they realize […]

Igor said Bing needs “to do a better job of proactively communicating updates” and they realize that now. So going forward, you can expect the Bing Index Quality team to post on the webmaster blog every few weeks. Specifically, they said they would do regular updates on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.

They also promised to (1) actively monitor and respond to your questions and comments and (2) cover topics ranging from blogging about the latest and important updates in this space to spotlighting some of the cool innovation they are working on as well as providing a heads up about potential traffic impacting changes being rolled out.

The first topic they covered was on filtering low quality links in their search results. This was not an announcement, just a discussion on their principles behind it. The post goes into how Bing “assess web documents against quality, ‘appropriateness’ and other standards, take action if needed and share this information with downstream components.”

In the next post on the webmaster blog you can expect them to cover the new and improved Bing Site Safety Page.

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