Google Business Profile chat is gone and call history going away
This is just a reminder that Google has discontinued Google Business Profile chat yesterday and call history is going away.
Google Business Profile chat feature will no longer initiate new chats, with existing chats to stop working on July 31st. Plus, Google Business Profiles will remove call history at the end of this month.
This is not new, we told you this was coming a few months ago when we wrote – Google Business Profile chat and call history going away.
New chats gone. Now if your customers or prospects try to initiate new chats with you on Google Maps or Google Search through your Google Business Profiles, it will no longer work. The chat button should be gone for all new chats.
Searchers who initiated chats days ago, can continue those conversations through July 31, 2024. After July 31st those chats will no longer work.
Call history going away. You should download your historical call history because Google will also be removing your call history from Google Business Profiles. If you’d like records of past Google Business Profile chats or call history, you can download them via Google Takeout.
The notification. Google sent out a reminder email yesterday, here is a screenshot of that email: