How to defend yourself against an ongoing negative SEO campaign — Part 4

There are a variety of ways to unmask people targeting your site with a negative SEO campaign. In Part 4 of our six-part series, contributor Joe Sinkwitz outlines common attack methods and how to shut them down. You know what negative SEO is (and isn’t). You know how to audit your site to determine if you’ve been hit. You know how to protect yourself to limit your exposure. Now it is time to discuss how to defend yourself against an ongoing negative SEO campaign. Who is attacking you? There are a…

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You need 23 keywords in a blog post to rank well. Not.

As a search engine optimization (SEO) content writer who participates in many SEO-related Facebook groups, I am frequently asked the same question: “How many keywords should I use in my posts?” People seem to be looking for an exact number or percentage that defines an ideal “keyword density” for web pages and blog posts. They feel there is a sweet spot, and if they hit it, the traffic will come pouring in! Sadly, that’s not exactly the case. In fact, keyword density is a useless metric when it comes to…

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Rookie link-building and content outreach mistakes you won’t make twice

Link-building mistakes come with the territory: The longer you spend pitching webmasters, the more war stories and link failures you’ll have under your belt. I’ve done many, many linking campaigns and have made my share of mistakes.  Based on my experience, I am not sure which campaign was a bigger epic fail: The campaign where all the email I sent went to the trash folder because I used a term associated with spam in the subject line. The fact I launched a huge content campaign the same day Donald Trump…

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Be careful what content you cut from your site

I recently worked with a client to relaunch their website, and as part of the process, the client chose to cull much of its content in an effort to have a leaner site. Having a lot of content on your site can make content management seem overwhelming, so it’s understandable an organization may want to cut down on the quantity of content to make the effort more manageable overall. However, be careful what you cut! All too often in organizations, the various stakeholders for the website work in disparate groups…

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Here’s why you should start thinking of content marketing as an SEO strategy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a busy and dynamic market. As search engines regularly change their algorithms to take new factors into account when calculating a website’s rank, positioning sites is becoming more challenging. Today, SEO is no longer about low-quality content spiked with keywords to please search engine crawlers. In reality, the smartest approach to SEO comes in the form of content marketing. For SEO to work, we need a human touch, but also financial and creative resources. Fortunately, SEO experts can take advantage of tools that were designed…

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How to project SEO traffic levels and avoid saying, ‘It depends’

Have you ever had this conversation with someone from upper management? Boss: “If we implement your recommendations, how will this impact traffic?” You:  “It depends.” Boss: “If we create a new content project, will it generate a lot of traffic? You: “It depends.” “It depends” is the typical response by a search engine optimization specialist (SEO) to questions about traffic projections and is a top response that infuriates management. As any SEO knows, you can’t predict with any accuracy what a change will do to your traffic, since there are…

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15 checks you should make when choosing a link partner

When inbound links occur naturally, you don’t look to see if the site linking to you is a good linking partner. They just link in, and eventually, you look if you need to. Most websites don’t “just” accrue links on their own if they are focused on ranking; they use some sort of link-building tactic to attract them. Link-building companies like mine offer these services and start all projects with a look and evaluation of the sites we’ll be contacting for links. Good link partners are key to a good linking…

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How to be proactive and prevent a negative SEO campaign — Part 3

In previous articles, we discussed what is and isn’t negative SEO and how to determine if you’ve actually been hit by negative SEO. With the basics out of the way, it’s now time to look at how you can keep your website safe from negative SEO (search engine optimization) campaigns. To start, I have some bad news: There is no such thing as being hackproof. And there is no such thing as being negative SEO-proof! All you can reasonably do is take action to lessen the probability of becoming a victim…

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Link to my awesome content, please!

In my last article, I outlined several tactics for building links in challenging industries. I focused on different ways to create link-worthy content, but as we all know, that’s only half of the equation. The other half is planning a thoughtful link-building outreach campaign, because no matter how awesome your content may be, no one will link to it if they don’t know it exists. In this article, I’m going to talk about link-building outreach, an equally important aspect of link building at a tactical level. I’m also going to…

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Internal links: Link building’s secret sauce

I’ve been writing about link building for years now. On more than one occasion, I’ve had to dispel the idea that link acquisition has a magic button you can simply push and earn links. I’ve heard countless clients ask me at Page One Power (my company) to ” just get us some links” and we constantly have to explain that’s not how it works. While the process of link acquisition can be simple, securing quality links is not always so simple.  Everyone struggles with this, but we’ve found, after many…

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