
Bing Brings On Halloween With a Spooky Map, Cortana Costume Suggestions & A Horror Movie Game

Ask Cortana “What should I wear for Halloween?” or “Guess the horror movie” to play Bing’s Halloween-themed game.

Bing is gearing up for the holiday weekend, launching Halloween-related Cortana searches and a spooky Bing map that includes locations for haunted houses throughout the US, UK and Canada.

For anyone who still doesn’t have their costume figured out, Bing recommends asking Cortana, “What should I wear for Halloween?”
Bing cortana what should i be for halloween

Cortana also has a new “Guess the horror movie” game to keep you occupied while you’re waiting to go trick-or-treating — the phrase “guess the horror movie” prompts the quiz.
Bing cortana halloween game

The Bing Maps team is getting in on the Halloween fun, as well, releasing a new spooky map with a “frighteningly fun color palette and a new set of Halloween-themed icons” that users can opt in to use. Haunted house locations are included on the US, UK and Canada versions of Bing’s Halloween map.
Bing spooky map 2015

Bing says costume images from e-commerce sites that show up in searches will include its shopping cart badge to note how many sites have the costume for sale. Food images will also have the recipe badge to help users find recipes for specific Halloween treats.
Bing Halloween shopping cart badge

Bing is also planning a special Halloween treat for its home page that it will release on October 31.

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