17 ways PPC can help your business survive economic crisis

Nimble, measurable, and cost-effective ways to market in challenging times People are clicking, but are they buying? WHEN will they buy? Are they buying too much too fast? When will stores reopen and foot traffic resume? Consumer demand is evaporating for some businesses, while others may be unable to fulfill orders due to supply chain disruptions or shipping challenges. Dynamics shift daily, if not hourly. Now some good news: Search marketing is adaptable, measurable, and when done correctly, cost effective. Even with shifting data models, PPC pros can use timely…

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How Marketing Teams Can Create Order During A Time Of Chaos

Learn how to develop a new strategy for how your business can emerge stronger from today’s challenges. Project and resource management has never been more critical than it is during this challenging business environment. Finding ways to collaborate, plan and prioritize is vital, and teams need to be equipped with the skills needed for that kind of transformation. The marketing team at T-Mobile recently transformed their own work process to keep up with the rapid pace of change, and to be more effective in managing multiple marketing campaigns at once.…

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Google removed 2.7 billion bad ads, nearly 1 million ad accounts in 2019

This year,the company says it has removed “tens of millions” of COVID-19 related ads. Last year, Google says it took down 2.7 billion so-called bad ads for violating the company’s ad policies, according to its annual report released Thursday. That’s up from the 2.3 billion bad ads Google reported taking down in 2018. The number of ad accounts Google terminated remained relatively flat from the previous year at nearly one million. Publisher network. Google also noted that it terminated the accounts of more than 1.2 million publishers and removed ads from over 21 million web…

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FCC Goes After Telecoms With Ties to China

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has thrown down the gauntlet, going after telecom companies that have strong ties to Beijing. The U.S. has engaged in some very public battles with Chinese firms, including Huawei and ZTE, citing issues of national security. In its latest move, the FCC has “issued Show Cause Orders to four telecom companies with ties to the communist regime in China.” A Show Cause Order gives the companies 30 days to make the case as to why their authority to operate within the U.S. should not be…

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