StrategiQ launches Spark, an SEO deployment platform

The tool employs Cloudflare Workers to make changes server-side.

StrategiQ, a digital marketing agency, launched a new tool called Spark to help SEOs test and deploy SEO-related changes on their own without developer overhead.

Why you should care. One of the biggest obstacles SEOs have to deal with is getting their SEO recommendations and audit reports implemented. Ideally, marketers would be able to add content and make SEO updates to their sites natively rather than having to employ another tool for the long term. Too often that’s not feasible, and marketers end up using tag managers or headless CMS tools such as Prismic, Crownpeak and others to make changes.

Spark runs on top of CDN Cloudflare’s network of servers and uses edge computing via Cloudflare Workers to allow SEOs to make and deploy SEO changes through the Spark interface.

StrategiQ sees Spark as contributing to a the mainstreaming of a concept it calls Edge SEO. “To really help understand what this means, technical SEO changes are not applied on your current stack (server/CMS etc), but on someone else’s infrastructure (in our case, Cloudflare),” said the StategiQ team.

How it works. Sites must have their nameservers set to Cloudflare and enable Cloudflare Workers, which carries additional fees. Changes are made server-side before getting sent to end users and engine crawlers. You set up your “Variables,” values extracted from the source code and create your “Modifications” from a library which covers changes from page metadata to content injection and define page groups.

What SEO changes can you make with Spark? Currently Spark supports making changes to meta title tags, meta descriptions and DOM content injection. They plan on adding in support for more sophisticated SEO split testing, logfile capture, structured data deployment and more.

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