
Video: Searching Bing On Windows 8

Microsoft released a video showing how you can use Bing on a Windows 8 powered device. They call the video, “Search Reimagined” and show off the touch aspects to search, as opposed to how search works currently on Here is the video: Bing on Windows 8: Search Reimagined from Bing on Vimeo. You can […]

Bing on Windows 8: Search Reimagined from Bing on Vimeo.

You can see how the experience feels a lot more fluid, interactive and fun to use versus the current search experience on

Windows 8 is Microsoft’s latest operating system release designed to work on their desktops, laptops, tablets, and home theater PCs. It is their most radical changes to the operating system in probably over a decade.

Windows 8 was released today and we have yet had a chance to play with hands on. When we do, we will release a more detailed review of the Bing search experience on Windows 8.

Postscript: Google seems a bit nervous about Bing on Windows 8 and has launched a campaign named Get Your Google Back to educate Windows 8 users on how to add Google to Windows 8.

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