
Google Launches Android Data Safety

Google has launched “Data safety,” a way for Android developers to disclose the data practices and privacy their apps offer.

Apple upended the mobile OS market when it introduced App Tracking Transparency (ATT) in an effort to give users more control over their data and how apps use it. Google soon followed suit, announcing it would implement its own take on a data privacy policy.

The company launched Data safety Monday, providing a way for developers to disclose how their apps use customers’ data.

Starting today, we’re rolling out the Data safety form in Google Play Console. We’ve also listened to your feedback, so to provide developers with additional guidance, we’re sharing helpful information in our Help Center, developer guide, Play Academy course, and more. Following our common protocols, we’ll begin gradual rollout today and expect to expand access to everyone within a couple of weeks.

Data safety information will begin showing up in the Play Store in February, and Google plans to start enforcing it beginning in April.

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