
Google’s November 2021 core update hit fast and hard; here is what the data providers saw

The results from this data showed that this rollout hit hard within the first 24 hours of the announcement and then slowed fast. On November 17, 2021, Google began rolling out the November 2021 core update, this came about four and a half months after the July 2021 core update, which was a month or so after the June 2021 core update. So, we had a total of three broad Google core updates in 2021. We asked several data companies that track Google’s search results to send us impressions of this update. The…

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Yahoo Acquires MyBlogLog

After several weeks of rumors, Yahoo has officially announced it has agreed to purchase the MyBlogLog service.  You’ll find some discussion of the sale via Techmeme here and here. After several weeks of rumors, Yahoo has officially announced it has agreed to purchase the MyBlogLog service.  You’ll find some discussion of the sale via Techmeme here and here.

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We’re turning off AMP pages at Search Engine Land

We’ve seen a big drop in traffic to AMP pages, suggesting that the inclusion of non-AMP pages in Top Stories is taking a toll. “Gasp! Think of the traffic!”  That’s a pretty accurate account of the more than two dozen conversations we’ve had about Search Engine Land’s support of Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages in the past few years. At first, it was about the headache in managing the separate codebase AMP requires as well as the havoc AMP wreaks on analytics when a nice chunk of your audience’s time is…

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Advertisers can adapt to supply chain issues without pausing campaigns

Pausing your campaigns may save some budget in the short term, but it’s likely to cost you more over the long haul. The holiday shopping season is typically a boon for online retailers, but this year, supply chain issues coupled with heightened consumer demand have put merchants, and the PPC professionals that work with them, in a difficult position. After all, if there’s no inventory to sell, advertising those products will only lead to wasted budget and disappointed customers. While demand is likely to level off as we move past…

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The Future of Eyewear is Shining Bright

In 2021, the eyewear market is a $115 billion industry.  This industry includes prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, and contact lenses, but also specialized eyewear for sports, workplace safety, and gaming.  Roughly 126 million Americans wear eyeglasses, and they pay an average of $576 a year for the privilege. New trends are popping up in the eyewear industry.  Consumers are purchasing eyeglasses more frequently than before.  COVID-19 has shifted customer needs to include blue-light filtering and light-adaptive contact lenses.  These innovations make it easier for people to take care of their eyes…

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Edward Snowden calls out Google over search engine’s privacy

Will this tweet trigger some change at Google? Probably not – but it might be wishful thinking. Edward Snowden, the individual responsible for one of the most significant information leaks in US history, decided on Tuesday that it was time to call out Google’s search engine. He posted, “Is it just me, or have search results become absolute garbage for basically every site? It’s nearly impossible to discover useful information these days (outside the ArchWiki)” on Twitter yesterday. When I asked Snowden for clarification if he was talking about Google and…

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The Analytical Benefits of Using Web Heatmap Software

Wherever there are customers, there’s always a desire to understand their needs and behavior. Understanding customer behavior can lead to significant benefits for a business. Often it comes down to generating interest in a product or service then figuring out ways to convert the customer to use it. A positive user experience on your website can generate plenty of leads and eventually lead to conversions along the way. A website must be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and have a clear purpose. Otherwise, users will just move on to the next best thing.…

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Keeping Up With Google: Bing Launches New “Search Quality Insights” Series

Want to understand better how Bing creates its search results? Bing has announced a new “Search Quality Insights” series to provide a more behind-the-scenes look at its search engine. You know, like “Search Quality Highlights” series that Google launched last December. What’s going on with these? And how does Bing’s latest post help Google on […] Want to understand better how Bing creates its search results? Bing has announced a new “Search Quality Insights” series to provide a more behind-the-scenes look at its search engine. You know, like “Search Quality Highlights” series…

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Google goes 1-1 in Europe: EU upholds $2.8B fine; UK dismisses lawsuit over alleged iPhone tracking

The rulings carry implications for other platforms currently under investigation, as well as class action-style lawsuits against big tech, respectively. The European Union’s General Court has rejected an appeal by Google and upheld a $2.8 billion fine against the company, originally levied in 2017 for favoring its own content in shopping search results. Separately, the UK Supreme Court ruled in Google’s favor in a 2017 class action-style lawsuit in which the company was accused of illegally collecting data on iPhone users. The EU’s General Court upholds $2.8B fine. In 2017, the…

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Google November spam update is fully rolled out

This rollout took about 8 days to complete – so check your rankings to see if you were impacted. The Google November spam update that began rolling out on November 3rd is now fully rolled out. Google has updated us 8 days after it first started to roll out that the rollout is complete. The announcement. Here is the announcement about the update from Google on Twitter: Impact. It is hard to say the full impact of this update, we feel this update “had legs” but you would have only noticed this update if…

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