
Focus on One Thing and One Thing Only… The Customer

Bill McDermott, who went from teenage deli owner to SAP SE Chief Executive Officer, recently gave an inspirational talk about how focusing on the customer is the most important thing for any business to succeed. Below is a brief excerpt: I came to the clear conclusion that there’s a perfect correlation between winners having dreams and accomplishing amazing things, but we all start somewhere. I traded in three part-time jobs to be a teenage entrepreneur running a delicatessen in Amityville Long Island. So I’m broke and somebody gives me a note for…

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Go Where Your Customers Are… the Mobile Phone

At the recent Social Media Day Jacksonville 2018 conference, Carlos Gil, founder of Gil Media Company, spoke about current social media marketing strategies. In an entertaining and informative talk, Gil spoke about the challenge of getting companies like Win-Dixie to understand that they should be engaging with their customers on the device their customer is always paying attention to, and that’s the cell phone. It’s not about advertising either, it’s about being part of the conversation, being a brand that matters. Here are selected excerpts from Gil’s talk below that highlight this…

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