SEO industry benchmark report

This overview of organic SEO traffic and SERP trends across industries includes an analysis of over 82,000 searches.

Identifying organic SEO KPIs and evaluating your organic traffic’s performance can be quite challenging. This difficulty arises from the lack of industry-wide organic benchmarks due to fluctuations in organic traffic caused by Google’s algorithm updates.

To address this challenge, Conductor undertook an extensive analysis of over 600 enterprise domains from renowned brands. Their aim was to identify industry-specific benchmarks for organic search in 2023, which will enable enterprise organizations to assess the effectiveness of their organic SEO efforts better.

See how your site compares! This comprehensive report includes an analysis of more than 82,000 searches, revealing:

  • Industry and subindustry organic traffic benchmarks.
  • The most frequent top result types.
  • The domains leading the conversation in each result type.

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