
Google Search Ranking Update Brewing? Early Signs Of Algorithm Shifts.

I am seeing super early signs of a Google search algorithm update brewing right now. There is some early limited chatter as of early this morning in the forums and on social media. Some of the automated tracking tools also are picking up changes, while some are not. So it is super early but something might be brewing – we should know more within 24 hours or so.

Are you seeing any changes as of around 5am EDT this morning in terms of your Google organic traffic and/or keyword rankings?

The ongoing WebmasterWorld has a couple people noticing, here is what one said:

Big shifts in US database, google is doing an algorithm update but looks like its just for US at the moment. Hope and pray this will improve things. Looks like its just for desktops at the moment. My guess is that they are experimenting first, might be a fix to the core update. Who knows?

Again, it is super early but some of the automated tools that updated just recently this morning are showing shifts.


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