
Google Link Penalty Can Remove Rich Snippets/Results

Google has said they can issue a rich snippets or results manual action, removing the ability for the site from showing rich results in the Google listings. But do other penalties, like link penalties, also result in removal of rich snippets? It appears that may be the case.

A Google Webmaster Help thread has a webmaster complaining his site is not showing rich results and snippets in the Google search results. A lot of people offered up advice but then Google’s Aaseesh posted saying the site has an inorganic links issue and has been issued a manual action.

Google linked the webmaster to the link schemes help document for more information.

Google has said, it isn’t uncommon for a site that has one manual action, may have others or other algorithmic issues in ranking.

So maybe this is one of the issues and maybe this is not the only reason the site is not showing rich results in Google? But clearly, this Googler cited this as a reason. A site with inorganic links is not trusted by Google and thus may lose trust to show rich results in Google.

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